Palmyra Massage & Bodywork
-- Healing Through Touch --
Hours / Schedule an Appointment!
Office hours are 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., week days, Noon to 7 p.m. Weekends.  Hours are by appointment only. It is requested that you arrive 10-15 minutes early for any relaxation massage so that a session review and intake can be completed without cutting into your 'table' time. This is not necessary for Structural Energetic Therapy® sessions, since an interview is included in the time scheduled. I am giving 15 minutes of my time to complete this intake review, so if you choose not to arrive early, your table time may need to be adjusted as the intake/review is mandatory for each session, but doesn't usually take as long on subsequent visits.

Cancellation Policy
We understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally.  I am more than willing to work with you, but you have to communicate with me. In our desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:

24 hour advance notice is required when changing or canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give us 24 hours advance notice, you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.

Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” They will be charged the full amount for their “missed” appointment.

Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session will be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending on how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session, unless prior arrangements were made. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time. It is requested that you arrive at least 15 minutes early for your first appointment (10 minutes subsequent appointments) so that a session review and intake can be completed without cutting into your 'table' time. 
Alyce R Peet, LMT, ASET, BCTMB    VA  #0019010733

We look forward to serving you!
Please use online booking from this page, or the "booknow" link at the bottom of the page to book your appointment online!
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